My mom sautéed onions daily, and whenever dining out, she'd say "double the onions, please."

I’m flooded with wonderful memories of my mom daily -- in all aspects of my life. And especially when I cook.
There are so many things I could talk about in my mom’s memory: her exquisite antique collection, the stunning home she designed in Pacific Palisades, and lived in with my dad for over 50 years, the 2,000 plus trees she was responsible for planting in the community, what a loving mother she was and so on.
Here, I'm sharing her love of onions. This might sound like it's a small thing, or odd thing to focus on, but it's not. Growing up, it was a part of every day. And continued to be.
The scent of sautéing onions . . . .
Walking home from Pali High, almost as soon as I'd turn right onto Wildomar St. from Northfield St., I'd start to get a hint of the sautéing onions. And when I'd open the door to the house, that scent wafted all the way up the halls to the front door. This was what happened every single school day.
And when I’d sleep in on the weekends, I’d awake to the delicious smell of the caramelizing onions. Every single weekend.
And every day around five in the afternoon, the scent of the sautéing onions would travel through the hallways, making its way into every room. Every day!
In addition to whatever delicious food my mom was cooking on her beautiful O’Keefe and Merritt stove, which had belonged to my grandmother (her mom), there was always a pan of onions going. Always.
She was simply not in the kitchen without cooking onions. It was the start of every savory dish — the foundation. Of course garlic would likely make its way in eventually, but it was never quite as important as the onions were.
No recipes needed . . .
My mom rarely, if ever, used a recipe. If she did, it was only as a guide, and it featured her own notes penciled into the margins.
Her every dish was spot on. The flavor combinations were always perfectly crafted. We’re talking about the types of flavors you could never get enough of, even if you were full. Second and third helpings were always had in my house. Always.
She cooked with whole, healthy ingredients, and whenever possible, they were from my dad’s backyard garden.
Beginning with onions (of course!), my mom created masterpieces from leftovers. Her meals had many secret ingredients, which were often from the surplus of dipping sauces she would collect from her favorite Thai restaurant, Cholada (specifically the one that came alongside the Kanom Jeep (steamed wontons filled with chestnuts and ground pork and topped with roasted minced garlic). It was smoky, a little spicy and the flavors were deep and rich.
My mom never — never ever — ordered anything in a restaurant without extra onions. Whether it was a pizza, a chicken dish, a salad, you name it, she’d say, “double the onions, please.”
I hope you'll fill your home with the scent of sautéing onions, as my mom would . . . .
Quick Caramelized Onions
- olive oil
- onions, thinly sliced
- salt and pepper to taste
- Add enough olive oil to coat the bottom of a heavy-bottomed sauté pan.
- Add thinly sliced onions and place the pan over medium heat.
- Sauté, stirring occasionally, until they are as golden as you’d like. My mom liked them caramelized, but with a bit of a crunch, which for about 2 cups of sliced onions, would be about 15 to 20 minutes.
- Season to taste with salt and pepper. (Here's How to Season to Taste.)
What a lovely tribute, Valentina. I am so sorry for your loss. Your mom did many wonderful things and your love lives on, heightened by the aroma of caramelized onions.
Thank you so much, Priscilla. xo
An incredible tribute to your mom. You will carry her memory with you always, yet each time you smell onions cooking you'll know that she's smiling at you.
Love this, Judy. Thank you. xo
Sue schmidt
Love and sympathy to you and your family, Valentina. I will step up my sautéing of onions and think of you and your mom. Thanks to her we have two large and beautiful trees in our parkway.
Thank you, Sue. Oh, I love that your parkway trees are a result of my mom's efforts. That makes me happy. xo
So sorry to hear the news, Valentina. Sending love and condolences to you.
I hope you will continue to share wonderful memories of and recipes from your mother.
Bring on the onions!
Thank you very much, Sue. xo (P.S. Buzz and I miss you!)
Caz McLaughlin
Our condolences to you and your family, Valentina, in the loss of your dear mother. May her inspirations and love of onions live forever in your hearts. Caz & Gaz [Australia]
I so appreciate this. Many thanks and much love.
Oh Valentina, I can only imagine how bittersweet it will be whenever you smell the aroma of caramelizing onions! What a lovely post. I am so very sorry for your loss, but as you said, there is solace in knowing she is at peace. Hugs.
Thank you, Christina. xo
Such a beautiful tribute Valen. I had no idea that she cooked onions everyday - love learning that about her. I've been doing lots of remembering. I keep thinking of how when we were little your house was this big mysterious place with closed rooms full of stuff, and a backyard we couldn't really play in because it was full of piles of wood and stones, and tiles and more stuff. And then slowly but surely your mom transformed the whole house into this amazing wonderland. One absolutely stunning room at a time. What amazing vision, patience and perseverance to create.
And I adore that pic of your mom and Mason!
Love you!
I just love you describe the piles (of stuff!) disappearing and the rooms coming together in the house. So true. And yes, she sure did have a vision! Love you!
Jeanne @jollytomato
What a wonderful tribute to your mom! I am so very sorry for this tremendous loss but I am so glad to hear that you have such happy memories of her that will live on in your kitchen. Sending much love...
Thanks so much, Jeanne. xo
What soulful, beautiful memories of your mom. The loss of one's mother is life changing. Cherish all the time you had with her, keep her close while you grieve. Sending hugs and peaceful thoughts to comfort you as you begin your life without her.
Thank you, Deb. I know you understand, and I so appreciate your kind words. Much love. xo
Liz Schmitt
After I lost my beloved mother, cooking her favorites in my kitchen became and remains such a comfort. Making my summer pickles today and I will remember your Mom as I slice the sweet onions.
Thank you so much, Liz. I hope the pickles turned out great, and love that cooking your mom's food brings you comfort, too. xo
Julie B.
Valentina, I was so sorry to hear about the loss of your lovely mom. When I think about her cooking what I remember most clearly is her love of chocolate! I still have her handwritten recipe for chocolate cheesecake - delicious and always made with love.
Julie, I just love that you have her handwritten recipe. She LOVED that cheesecake so much. Thank you. xoxo
Adrienne Salinger
Beautifully written, Valentina. Carole will be missed so much.
Thank you, Adrienne. xoxo
I don't know you or your mother but I was moved to write by your post in honour of your mom. I know loss, my mum passed away when I was 9 and my dad pass away 3 years ago after suffering with dementia. It's these moments, the simple frying of onions, that we remember in a special way. While a the time she didn't know it, she was giving you something for when she was no longer here. Talk about her often, remember her always and take care of yourself.
Hi Marcellina,
Thank you so very much for this note. I'm sorry you lost your dad at such a young age, and how hard it must have been to loose your mom a few years ago, too. Thank you for sharing your thoughts -- I just love what your wrote . . . about how she didn't even know the gift (of a lovely memory) she was giving me all of those times she sautéed the onions. Much love to you, Valentina
Cathy A
What wonderful memories you have of your mother Valentina. I can only imagine how remarkable of a woman she was. I am so sorry for your loss.
I will saute onions in her honor... and then double it.
Thank you so much, Cathy. (For sautéing and doubling, too.) xo
Adair @ Lentil Breakdown
I can tell by looking at your mom that I liked her. And her onions, of course! She had to be both a wonderful cook and mother, as the proof is in the pudding and the progeny. XO
You are so sweet, Adair. Thank you so much. xo
Sweet and loving Post, Valentina. I'm so sorry for you and your family, and am so glad you have so many wonderful memories to get you through this difficult time. I will think of your mom every time I sauté onions now...
One of my closest friends from college suffers from Parkinson's disease, and I am a regular contributor to the Michael J Fox Foundation. I will make my next donation in memory of your mother.
Wishing you peace and light – with big hugs,
David, I'm so grateful we've made such a good connection through the food world. You've been so supportive of my recipe writing -- and on a personal level, too. I wish your friend with Parkinson's well, and my whole family appreciates the contribution. It's been a tough year, but we're all looking towards lighter times. Thank you and much love to you and Mark, Valentina XOXO
David Scott Allen
Almost eight years since I last wrote — hard to believe. I love getting a glimpse into your parents’ home — all the memories must really be so important now.
My friend is still doing pretty well with his Parkinson’s — he had surgery for deep brain stimulation which has been very effective.
I really appreciate our friendship so much… I can’t wait for us to meet in person someday.
Hard to believe I first published this 8 yrs ago, when my mom passed away. Thank you for revisiting it, David. I'm happy to hear your friend is doing well. It's so great that there are more and more new treatments to try. I appreciate our friendship, too. One day we'll meet over a delicious meal. 🙂 ~Valentina
I'm so sorry for your loss Valentina but I know your mom is looking down and smelling the wonderful waft of onions that now you and so many others (including me!) are cooking in her honor. What a nice tribute to amazing woman!
Thank you so much, Kelly. So appreciate this. Good thing we all love onions! 😉 xo
I'll "double the onions" the next time I'm in the kitchen and think of this lovely tribute to a beautiful woman. XOGREG
Thank you, Greg. xoxo
Dorothy at Shockingly Delicious
Valentina, I missed this originally a year ago, awash in my own similar circumstances, but am so glad to see it now. It's a wonderful remembrance, and I am doubling the onions from here on out, in her honor.
Awww, thank you so much Dorothy. xoxo
Eha Carr
Words fail but the warmest hugs are travelling the Pacific thanking you for sharing whilst remembering . . . I'll also remember next time there is the opportunity to double the onions!
Thanks for the hug, Eha. Enjoy the onions. 🙂 ~Valentina
Romi Laine
So touched by your email Valen with the images of the house and this recipe post sparking so many memories.
Oh that house was feast for the senses, from kitchen aromas to blooming gardens, dogs scrambling through hallways, hidden rooms with treasures, stairways spiraling upward, and endless projects handcrafted to life by your parents creativity. Your home and its stories are etched into my spirit forever.
I can smell your mom’s onions sautéing through the page and see her warm smile. Thank you for ignited the essence of Carol here and now as you share this with all of us.. and remind us to double up!! Love you.
Double up! I love it. 🙂 Thank you for all of these loving and kind words. Means so much that the house made such a positive impression on you. XOXO ~Valentina
Mimi Rippee
Oh my goodness. What a uniquely gorgeous house. This is so sad. I can’t even imagine what you’re going through. I love the tribute to your beautiful Mom. And I’m glad she didn’t know about the devastating demise of her home.
Thank you, Mimi. Yes, I'm very grateful my parents didn't see this happen. I don't know how my mom would've dealt with it. Thank you for the kind words. 🙂 ~Valentina
Tracey A
I know that people can't even begin to fathom the loss and heartache you are all experiencing. I have been praying for all of you. God bless you.
Thank you so much, Tracey. 🙂 ~Valentina
Elaine Punchard
My heart goes out to everyone who lost their family homes due to fires. There is something that disasters can't take from you though, and that is your precious memories of time spent in the home and your mum frying onions. Take care and best wishes for the future
Elaine, I really appreciate this. I will definitely cherish the memories always. Thank you. ~Valentina
Alicia Silka
You have captured and preserved your memories so beautifully in your words, pictures and recipe. Thank you for sharing this onion snippet of your world. That house truly was a landmark, and your mom was an icon of the village.
Thank you so much, Alicia. ~Valentina
Cate Bendock
I’ve never met you personally, but with a post like this I feel we’ve known each other as kindred souls. I’ve followed you for sometime now because your post are real, fun, and full of joy. Thank you for making our lives so full of love.
Hi Cate. What a lovely note. It's so rewarding to hear things like this -- thank you for being such a loyal reader and for the kind words. 🙂 ~Valentina
Elizabeth Foley
My dear Valentina,
Very sorry for your losses in this fire. I miss seeing you and your family since we moved away. It is good to see you writing and what a lovely story. Tears. Love and beauty. You are lucky. I'm glad her spirit and the spirit of that love lives on and that your life is such a tribute to it. So glad you continue....
Hi Elizabeth. Thank you so much. Love and beauty, indeed. 🙂 ~Valentina
Thanks for sharing the beautiful memories and photos of your Mom and you and your children. I am very sorry for your loss and wish you could all rebuild and create new memories while keeping the old ones.
Thank you so much for the kind words. ~Valentina
pilar moreno casas
Muchas gracias, hermana!!!
Lise Selznick
Tears run down my smiling face as I read this...just the way you've described everything, I too can smell her onions! lol
You were so right about their house and how special, how magical it was. I had the honor of seeing it a couple of times, and your little slice of heaven kitchen in the back! My heart hurts knowing it's all gone, and knowing she's no longer here to fill your bellies with carmalized onions and her rich and savory golden recipes. Yet you embody everything she is and was. Your love of cooking, your artistry of loving all rich and beautiful textures and things, all live on because of her. You keep her spirit alive and the memories of your childhood and your home will always be stored in your heart. The beauty of it all is that you had it, you did it, and it belonged to you then and still does now. Sending you big hugs and all delicious things to come! xox
Lise, Thank you so very much for the kind, loving words. I really appreciate it. xo Valentina